Audio Library
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Come and join us for singing, Bible stories, games and much, much more
Opposite Wildridings Primary School, Bracknell Gospel Hall is located in close proximity to the Railway Station and Town Centre
We invite you to come and hear God’s Word – and be transformed by its truth, purity and power
Welcome To
Bracknell Gospel Hall
Thanks for visiting our website. We are a group of Christians who gather to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ at Bracknell Gospel Hall in Netherton, Wildridings Bracknell.
We hope you will look round the site to see what we believe, and what we do.
Christians have been meeting together this way in Bracknell since 1893. Those who meet today have a wide age range and come from all walks of life. We would warmly invite you to our meetings, or feel free to contact us.
If you would like to receive a free Bible or a copy of Questions For Life booklet or just want to contact us please send a mail to
Verse Of the Day
Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD (Psalm 31:24)What
we believe
Jesus Christ, the eternal son of God became a man without ceasing to be God. He was born of a virgin in order that He might reveal God and redeem sinful man. By dying upon the cross, Christ paid the price of sin, fully satisfied the wrath of God, and brought peace with God and salvation to all who believe. He was buried, and three days later He rose again from the grave, ensuring our justification and glorification.